Thursday 10 March 2011


Let us make a difference because all of us can
By Mulidzwi Rabelani

We are all people and we never know what tomorrow bring for us. You can be at high level standard and tomorrow it may change to low standard that’s why I will be entitled to say life bring happiness and sadness and sometimes sadness and happiness at the same time, so what about those who it only bring sadness.
There are people today living with HIV and AIDS and some of them are abandoned by their family, how can abandoned someone who needs you at difficult time like that. He/she crave  and seek for your support but you choose to chase him/her away and you never know what tomorrow will bring for you, it may bring  the same disease will you be in good terms if others decide to also abandon you I don’t think so.
HIV AND AIDS it’s something we cannot run away from it, it’s time to accept and support those living with it. We all know by know that living, taking care and supporting people with HIV and AIDS doesn’t mean that you will be affected by the same disease.
And to those living with it’s not the end of the world. Those who are not ignorant knows that you can’t choose to be affected by HIV and AIDS so accept the situation you’re in and take use of medication requested by the doctors and live a healthy life and we all know that medication its free so you should fear not take use of them.
You can still live a healthy long life if you learn to accept and never stress about it and get exposed to people who will help you to fight it not people who will laugh at you. You can also join support groups in related to your disease and you will see that you’re not the only one and together with others you can beat it.
And to those affected don’t build the motive that you can’t die alone and start spreading the disease to those who are not in position of it
And to all of us affected or not affected by HIV and AIDS lets practice safe and safer sex. And it begins with you by having one sexual partner and by being faith full to our partners.

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