Wednesday 9 March 2011


Inverstigate how news and online journalism that exist today
Online journalism is the processes were facts reported are produced and distributed through the internet. It was implemented few years ago but it was not popular as it has just started and people were used to journalism through print media (newspapers) and broadcast media (radio and television) which we regard as traditional journalism.
They’re those that include breaking news and those that their stories will be uploaded at the end of the week or once in a week. Their writing through online journalism is so clear, so spares, so straight shooting to the point because lay out they use is clear and helpful to use and they use text optimized for the online environment to keep the web readers reading and that’s what keeps their article good.
Here they upload story as soon as it comes out and they are also capable of updating stories. And it is fast to move to one story to another story, mostly it contains political news and others news title but mostly in the international news and world wide news. Mostly it contains video clips but it’s not easy to open them because they require YOTUBE player for them to play it may take several minute for them to play. The stories they present it’s the same as the one they present on their broadcasting service difference is online they put the whole information but for broadcasting they only put important facts only. They also use social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, mobisites for people to gain access to their links
Times 24
It’s attractive the way it looks but seems not to carry lots of stories and as an online publication they should have lots of stories because online journalism allows you to have lots of stories in the site but with traditional journalism you only go for stories that have an impact or with relevant to the public. And they don’t use videos their publication its only contain pictures.   They don’t social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, mobisites for people to gain access to their links so it may be difficult for people to send people their link so that their friends and family can also read the same stories.
Mostly it contains South African news and other African continent news, it’s the one of the online site for news I prefer to visit because its fast and you can be able to see the stories updated and they cover lots of stories. It does not contain lots videos but it contains lots of pictures for the angle they are covering. They also social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, mobisites for people to gain access to their links

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